Freeborn IT-10-060 3Pc Cope & Pattern Insert Cutters Tantung Tips FREE USA SHIPPING
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Brand: Freeborn Tools
Model: IT-10-060
Weight: 6.00lb
Dimensions: 6.00in x 6.00in x 8.00in
SKU: IT-10-060
Product Description
4"OD available by special order
Minor Diameter 3 1/2"
1 1/4" Bore
Package contains 3 freeborn tool bodies (new 2 pc cope head with shims allow you to adjust your fit) loaded with this set of cope inserts and pattern inserts (Pictured).
For 3/4" to 7/8" stock
T-alloy Tips (not for manmade material)
1/4 x 1/2" tongue
Outside diameter 4 1/2"
Minor Diameter 3 1/2"
1 1/4" Bore
Question: Can I buy Carbide tips in the future for this head? Yes, heads are the same, they can run carbide inserts.