quirk bead
A quirk bead is a full round bead with a narrow vertical groove separating the bead from the surface it decorates. A quirk bead traditionally blends smoothly into the edge of the board, but you can create an additional reveal on the edge of your board by increasing the depth of cut of your cutter.
Whiteside 3250, Edge Beading Bit, 5/16 Bead Dia, 1/2 Shank
Product Description Edge Beading, Router Bits -1/2"Shank, Carbide Tipped -1" Large Diameter, 5/16" Bead Diameter, 5/8" Cutting Length, 2-1/4" Overall Length-Whiteside 3250 Bead Diameter Large Diameter Cutting Length Shank Part # 5/16" ..
Freeborn MC-57-041 bead and quirk shaper cutter radius 1/8" with 3/4" bore
Produce traditional bead and quirk "Beaded Face Frame" R-1/8" (which means the bead will be 1/4" in diameter case your wondering) 2-15/16" diameter 3/4" Bore Carbide tipped Made in USA by Freeborn Tools ..
Freeborn MC-57-042 bead and quirk shaper cutter radius 3/16" with 3/4" bore
Outside diameter 4 1/2"4"OD available by special orderMinor Diameter 3 1/2"1 1/4" BoreVersatile and easy-to-use. These 6 cutter sets are designed to perform the 3 functions shown. Freeborn's standard sets cut 1/4” wide x 3/8” deep tongue and groove. Counterclockwise rotation with wood fed face down. Produce traditional bead and quirk only. Min..
Freeborn PC-17-041 bead and quirk shaper cutter radius 1/8" with 1-1/4" bore
Outside diameter 4 1/2"4"OD available by special orderMinor Diameter 3 1/2"1 1/4" BoreVersatile and easy-to-use. These 6 cutter sets are designed to perform the 3 functions shown. Freeborn's standard sets cut 1/4” wide x 3/8” deep tongue and groove. Counterclockwise rotation with wood fed face down. Produce traditional bead and quirk only. Min..
Freeborn PC-17-042 bead and quirk shaper cutter radius 3/16
Outside diameter 4 1/2"4"OD available by special orderMinor Diameter 3 1/2"1 1/4" BoreVersatile and easy-to-use. These 6 cutter sets are designed to perform the 3 functions shown. Freeborn's standard sets cut 1/4” wide x 3/8” deep tongue and groove. Counterclockwise rotation with wood fed face down. Produce trad..
Freeborn PC-17-043 bead and quirk shaper cutter radius 1/4" with 1-1/4" bore
Outside diameter 4 1/2"4"OD available by special orderMinor Diameter 3 1/2"1 1/4" BoreVersatile and easy-to-use. These 6 cutter sets are designed to perform the 3 functions shown. Freeborn's standard sets cut 1/4” wide x 3/8” deep tongue and groove. Counterclockwise rotation with wood fed face down. Produce traditional bead and quirk only. Min..
M2 corrugated back knives for beaded edge 3/8 and 1/2 beads
Brand New M2 HSS knives (5/16" thick) professionally ground on Weinig by master tool man. Produces beaded edge (per your desired thickness & length) Order contains 2 16/60 degree corrugated back knives, cnc template & printed layout sheet. Suitable for shaper and small molder knife heads. Ideal for 20 degree hook, 100mm head (call for spec..
Magic Molder Plugs N-45 3/8" Bead & Quirk molding profile
Brand New Magic Shaper Carbide Tipped Detail Plugs (Pair) in original packaging. Call about other plugs not listed or package deals on quantity. We are distributors. 410-465-6209 N-45 Quirk and bead is a traditional profile. Very good for creating decorative trim and producing face frame..
Magic Molder Plugs N-76 A & N-76 B Tongue and Groove Profile
N-76 A & N-76 B Straight Tongue and Groove Set creates tongue and groove joints. The tongue is 7/32 thick and 1 inch long. Set of 4 Plugs P-76 B (2 pc) and P-76 A (2 pc). ..
Magic Molder Plugs P-43 N-43 Table Saw & Shaper Cutter carbide tip Beaded Face Frame
Beaded Face Frame Profile forms a bead and 1/8 flat on the side of the bead. Good for creating bead on the edge of a board and trimming the edge of the board. P-43 Lists for $139 ..
Whiteside Edge Beading router bit 3246 Bead diameter 1/4
Product Description Useful for a wide variety of applications including beaded face frame, base, door edges, popular profile since colonial days Overall Length Cutting Circle Cutting Edge Length Shank Part # 2-1/4" 7/8" 9/16" 1/2" 3246 Whiteside Machine Company has been in business for over..